Examples of health and Social Care Tenders Published over the Past Four Weeks
In this section we publish some of the Health and Social Care tenders published over the past four weeks.
TfC collects and collates tenders from a wide range of sources each week. These tenders form the basis of the services which we provide to TfC Members. Teders are not selected on the basis of keywords or CPV codes alone. They are read and selected based on the interests based on the services which are the specialism of each Member. Unlike the more general tender services we send out tenders twice weekly in packages tailored to each Member's requirements.
The tenders for download below are a sample of those provided over the past four weeks. By early March 2013, a clear trend has been the increase in tenders published for the former Local Enhanced Services (LES) for which the Local Authoities take of responsibility for the £5bn of funding from 1st April 2013