Tendering for Care

Tender Review Service

You can have your tenders reviewed by an expert at various stages in their preparation, using online, remote working technology. This has been developed as an extremely effective service with a record of wins scoring 99% and 100%

The TfC Review Service

A cost effective approach to tendering support

A service which was developed five years ago for TfC Members is now our most popular product. This is because the approach has demonstrated real successful results for providers, contibuting to the bottom line. We can demonstrate that providers who use the service can also show rapid growth in terms of tendering success. An increasing number were awarded scores of 90 to 99/100 and others even 100%. The majority of providers have never previously experienced success on this scale which can be quite overwehelming for all involved. The known volume of contracts awarded using this approach with TfC's help during 2017 had a total value of £232million.

The service does not rely on old approaches, outdated appraisal information and feedback. Procurement is a dynamic, ever developing process which responds to a range of drivers, economic, legal, political and in other areas. For example it is already clear that the failure of Carillon in January 2018 is having a growing effect on the ways in which public bodies and Government (central and local) buy services. In addition the impact of the 2015 P ublic Contracts Regulations is now being felt by health and social care providers across the UK. All this and much more must be taken into account when preparing a tender.

The TfC Tender Review Service provides two types of solution for tender inprovement.

Option 1: Summary Review

This offers a "quick turnaround" review using typical tender appriasal criteria tailored to the tender and specification in question. The review provides a summary report which identifies key areas for improvement and suggestions regarding evidence.

Option 2: The full tender Review and Support Service has been proved to have a powerful beneficial effect on tendering success rates. It  incorporates two unique features:

  •  A verbal and visual online review with an expert, which has been described as being similar to mentoring session. This is done online using a "remote working" system which allows those who have prepared the tender to look look at the reviewer's computer screen and to go through tender documents live, in real time supported by telephone conferencing; and
  • The opportunity for the learning acquired during the review of a "live" or failed tender to benefit future tendering

 In summary:

  • The review session uses a system which enables you to use your PC or laptop to view YOUR tender on OUR computer screen. No special set up is needed;
  • During session we look at your draft with you, go through it in detail discussing suggestions for amendments and options for improvement;
  • We show you how to "mark up" tender questions so that you achieve the maximum possible scores during tender appraisal;
  • At the end of the session we send you the documents we have reviewed with the relevant notes;
  • Although one review has been shown to be helpful, real success has come from two or three reviews undertaken as tenders are developed.

We can review

  • Live Business Queestionnaires and method Statements prior to submission;
  • Past failed tenders for learning purposes.

The fee for the Option 2 servicedepends on the size of the tender and the work involved

Please contact us for a quotation to undertake a review of your next tender, or of a past, failed tender for future learning.

The service can be undertaken individually or in groups, from your desk, from home, wherever it is most convenient with no down time or other additional costs.

Successful providers said:

"We were usure why we seemed to fail early on in the evaluation process. Your detailed review helped us to make the necessary changes, now we have our method statements scored and win!! Thank you"

" We did not know about the importance of credit scores. Now we do and we are winniing"

"Our new approach to producing method statements is cleearly helping us to win"

"Many thanks for your invaluable input and advice. Winning this contract was a real bonus for us" another said "We are really delighted, today makes all of the effort worth it"

For further information, please contact us to discuss your reqirements:

telephone 01629 57501

email: info@tenderingforcare.com



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